Solution to the problem number 404 of AceptaelReto - 404.

Any questions do not hesitate to contact.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

string line;
int DP[25];

int solve(int idx){
    if(idx==line.length()) return 1;
    int &best = DP[idx];
    if(best!=-1) return best;
    int res = 0;
    if(idx+1<line.length() &&  line[idx]=='I' && line[idx+1]=='I') res+=solve(idx+2); //II
    if(idx+2<line.length() &&  line[idx]=='I' && line[idx+1]=='I' && line[idx+2] == 'I') res+=solve(idx+3); //III
    if(idx+1<line.length() &&  line[idx]=='I' && line[idx+1]=='V') res+=solve(idx+2); //IV
    if(idx+1<line.length() &&  line[idx]=='V' && line[idx+1]=='I') res+=solve(idx+2); //VI
    if(idx+1<line.length() &&  line[idx]=='I' && line[idx+1]=='X') res+=solve(idx+2); //IX
    if(idx+2<line.length() &&  line[idx]=='V' && line[idx+1]=='I' && line[idx+2] == 'I') res+=solve(idx+3); //VII
    if(idx+3<line.length() &&  line[idx]=='V' && line[idx+1]=='I' && line[idx+2] == 'I' && line[idx+3] == 'I') res+=solve(idx+4);//VIII
    return best = res;

int main(){
    return 0;

Don't miss anything.

Keep in touch with Isaac Lozano Osorio!