Any questions do not hesitate to contact.
* Author: Johan Sannemo
* Date: 2017-05-15
* License: CC0
* Source: thin air
* Description: Line-convex polygon intersection. The polygon must be ccw and have no colinear points.
* isct(a, b) returns a pair describing the intersection of a line with the polygon:
* \begin{itemize*}
* \item $(-1, -1)$ if no collision,
* \item $(i, -1)$ if touching the corner $i$,
* \item $(i, i)$ if along side $(i, i+1)$,
* \item $(i, j)$ if crossing sides $(i, i+1)$ and $(j, j+1)$.
* \end{itemize*}
* In the last case, if a corner $i$ is crossed, this is treated as happening on side $(i, i+1)$.
* The points are returned in the same order as the line hits the polygon.
* Status: fuzz-tested
* Time: O(N + Q \log n)
#pragma once
#include "Point.h"
ll sgn(ll a) { return (a > 0) - (a < 0); }
typedef Point<ll> P;
struct HullIntersection {
int N;
vector<P> p;
vector<pair<P, int>> a;
HullIntersection(const vector<P>& ps) : N(sz(ps)), p(ps) {
p.insert(p.end(), all(ps));
int b = 0;
FOR(i,1,N) if (P{p[i].y,p[i].x} < P{p[b].y, p[b].x}) b = i;
FOR(i,0,N) {
int f = (i + b) % N;
a.emplace_back(p[f+1] - p[f], f);
int qd(P p) {
return (p.y < 0) ? (p.x >= 0) + 2
: (p.x <= 0) * (1 + (p.y <= 0));
int bs(P dir) {
int lo = -1, hi = N;
while (hi - lo > 1) {
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (make_pair(qd(dir), dir.y * a[mid].first.x) <
make_pair(qd(a[mid].first), dir.x * a[mid].first.y))
hi = mid;
else lo = mid;
return a[hi%N].second;
bool isign(P a, P b, int x, int y, int s) {
return sgn(a.cross(p[x], b)) * sgn(a.cross(p[y], b)) == s;
int bs2(int lo, int hi, P a, P b) {
int L = lo;
if (hi < lo) hi += N;
while (hi - lo > 1) {
int mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
if (isign(a, b, mid, L, -1)) hi = mid;
else lo = mid;
return lo;
pii isct(P a, P b) {
int f = bs(a - b), j = bs(b - a);
if (isign(a, b, f, j, 1)) return {-1, -1};
int x = bs2(f, j, a, b)%N,
y = bs2(j, f, a, b)%N;
if (a.cross(p[x], b) == 0 &&
a.cross(p[x+1], b) == 0) return {x, x};
if (a.cross(p[y], b) == 0 &&
a.cross(p[y+1], b) == 0) return {y, y};
if (a.cross(p[f], b) == 0) return {f, -1};
if (a.cross(p[j], b) == 0) return {j, -1};
return {x, y};
Keep in touch with Isaac Lozano Osorio!