Any questions do not hesitate to contact.
* Author: Johan Sannemo
* Date: 2017-04-13
* License: CC0
* Source: Inspired by old, broken tinyKACTL
* Description: Determine whether a point t lies inside a given polygon (counter-clockwise order).
* The polygon must be such that every point on the circumference is visible from the first point in the vector.
* It returns 0 for points outside, 1 for points on the circumference, and 2 for points inside.
* Usage:
* Status: Tested at Moscow ICPC pre-finals workshop
* Time: O(\log N)
#pragma once
#include "Point.h"
#include "sideOf.h"
#include "onSegment.h"
typedef Point<ll> P;
int insideHull2(const vector<P>& H, int L, int R, const P& p) {
int len = R - L;
if (len == 2) {
int sa = sideOf(H[0], H[L], p);
int sb = sideOf(H[L], H[L+1], p);
int sc = sideOf(H[L+1], H[0], p);
if (sa < 0 || sb < 0 || sc < 0) return 0;
if (sb==0 || (sa==0 && L == 1) || (sc == 0 && R == sz(H)))
return 1;
return 2;
int mid = L + len / 2;
if (sideOf(H[0], H[mid], p) >= 0)
return insideHull2(H, mid, R, p);
return insideHull2(H, L, mid+1, p);
int insideHull(const vector<P>& hull, const P& p) {
if (sz(hull) < 3) return onSegment(hull[0], hull.back(), p);
else return insideHull2(hull, 1, sz(hull), p);
Keep in touch with Isaac Lozano Osorio!