closestPair Algorithm.

Any questions do not hesitate to contact.

 * Author: Per Austrin, Max Bennedich, Gunnar Kreitz
 * Date: 2004-03-15
 * Description: $i1$, $i2$ are the indices to the closest pair of points in the point vector $p$ after the call. The distance is returned.
 * Time: O(n \log n)
#pragma once

#include "Point.h"

template <class It>
bool it_less(const It& i, const It& j) { return *i < *j; }
template <class It>
bool y_it_less(const It& i,const It& j) {return i->y < j->y;}

template<class It, class IIt> /* IIt = vector<It>::iterator */
double cp_sub(IIt ya, IIt yaend, IIt xa, It &i1, It &i2) {
	typedef typename iterator_traits<It>::value_type P;
	int n = yaend-ya, split = n/2;
	if(n <= 3) { // base case
		double a = (*xa[1]-*xa[0]).dist(), b = 1e50, c = 1e50;
		if(n==3) b=(*xa[2]-*xa[0]).dist(), c=(*xa[2]-*xa[1]).dist();
		if(a <= b) { i1 = xa[1];
			if(a <= c) return i2 = xa[0], a;
			else return i2 = xa[2], c;
		} else { i1 = xa[2];
			if(b <= c) return i2 = xa[0], b;
			else return i2 = xa[1], c;
	}	}
	vector<It> ly, ry, stripy;
	P splitp = *xa[split];
	double splitx = splitp.x;
	for(IIt i = ya; i != yaend; ++i) { // Divide
		if(*i != xa[split] && (**i-splitp).dist2() < 1e-12)
			return i1 = *i, i2 = xa[split], 0;// nasty special case!
		if (**i < splitp) ly.push_back(*i);
		else ry.push_back(*i);
	} // assert((signed)lefty.size() == split)
	It j1, j2; // Conquer
	double a = cp_sub(ly.begin(), ly.end(), xa, i1, i2);
	double b = cp_sub(ry.begin(), ry.end(), xa+split, j1, j2);
	if(b < a) a = b, i1 = j1, i2 = j2;
	double a2 = a*a;
	for(IIt i = ya; i != yaend; ++i) { // Create strip (y-sorted)
		double x = (*i)->x;
		if(x >= splitx-a && x <= splitx+a) stripy.push_back(*i);
	for(IIt i = stripy.begin(); i != stripy.end(); ++i) {
		const P &p1 = **i;
		for(IIt j = i+1; j != stripy.end(); ++j) {
			const P &p2 = **j;
			if(p2.y-p1.y > a) break;
			double d2 = (p2-p1).dist2();
			if(d2 < a2) i1 = *i, i2 = *j, a2 = d2;
	}	}
	return sqrt(a2);

template<class It> // It is random access iterators of point<T>
double closestpair(It begin, It end, It &i1, It &i2 ) {
	vector<It> xa, ya;
	assert(end-begin >= 2);
	for (It i = begin; i != end; ++i)
		xa.push_back(i), ya.push_back(i);
	sort(xa.begin(), xa.end(), it_less<It>);
	sort(ya.begin(), ya.end(), y_it_less<It>);
	return cp_sub(ya.begin(), ya.end(), xa.begin(), i1, i2);

Don't miss anything.

Keep in touch with Isaac Lozano Osorio!