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* Author: Lukas Polacek
* Date: 2010-01-26
* License: CC0
* Source: TopCoder tutorial
* Description: Calculate $a\cdot b\bmod c$ (or $a^b \bmod c$) for large $c$.
* Time: O(64/bits \cdot \log b), where $bits = 64-k$, if we want to deal with
* $k$-bit numbers.
#pragma once
typedef unsigned long long ull;
const int bits = 10;
// if all numbers are less than 2^k, set bits = 64-k
const ull po = 1 << bits;
ull mod_mul(ull a, ull b, ull &c) {
ull x = a * (b & (po - 1)) % c;
while ((b >>= bits) > 0) {
a = (a << bits) % c;
x += (a * (b & (po - 1))) % c;
return x % c;
ull mod_pow(ull a, ull b, ull mod) {
if (b == 0) return 1;
ull res = mod_pow(a, b / 2, mod);
res = mod_mul(res, res, mod);
if (b & 1) return mod_mul(res, a, mod);
return res;
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